This week has been a challange. I am feeling like quite the slacker. I am into only my second week at my new job (which I must say, I am loving so far) and I've already missed half of one day (for an appt I had scheduled prior to having a 2009 calendar) and all of yesterday due to the weather. Winter has worn its welcome completely out at my house.
Yesterday was another snow day for us. It doesn't matter how much snow falls, it's how much wind we have and yesterday we had plenty. Our lovely "summer breeze" has been wreaking havoc since the end of October.
Everyone is getting very tired of being pent up inside.......
Or is everyone just getting tired?!.........
Today was supposed to be the ultimate low but the wind died down so it was back to work and there is no where else to go but up starting tomorrow! I believe I heard or read that we will be back above zero temps by weeks end, getting all the way up to the 30's by midweek next week!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!
You probably won't hear from me as I will be back outside! I've got a ton of work to do to wear these dogs out! Anyway, I digress....back to the job.....
...I don't know why I didn't make a move like this years ago! Yes I do. There is a very fine line between excitement and fear. The unknown can be exciting but it can also be quite frightening.
Perhaps the fear of the unknown combined with the comfort of familiarity out weighed the excitement of something new. Whatever the reason, I am so glad that I over came and made the leap. I am really enjoying the interaction and the feeling of having a job that is not just going through the motions.
I still have a while before I will be comfotable again but who says that's not a good thing?
I stopped in my old area today to visit for a minute (I don't want them to feel out of my sight out of my mind) and I as I was talking to my pal Ray about an e-mail that was sent out.....
I realized I had made the right decision. I also realize that I need to work on my fear of the unknown, not being such a procrastinator and taking more leaps of faith. What's the worst that can happen?
To add to a good day, I was happy to get the mail. I received 2 more movies! (I recently joined netflix) I am going to really enjoy that as well I think. All we currently have is a TV and a dvd player. No cable, no dish, no antena, all we can do right now is watch movies, seriously, no joke. I really don't miss it though....much.
And I received my new Murray McMurray Hatchery catalog (Thanks Thelma!) If you have seen my previous pics you have seen the Turkeys. They came with the place in addition to a couple of Guineas that we no longer have thanks to the native wildlife. I have been playing with the idea of building a chicken coop/yard (to keep them safe at night) getting some chickens and maybe replacing the Guineas. I never knew there was such a variety. I am leaning towards Cochins chickens. They are rated low as layers but they are a large chicken with feathered legs, come in several pretty colors and appear almost "fluffy". Since my only interest is eggs for myself, a few friends and family, they don't really need to be prolific egg layers. I am not sure about the guineas. They state they are wonderful for eating bugs especially tics but you have to buy a minimum of 30. That's alot of Guineas! I may have to find someone to split the order with. They were comical to watch. It may not happen this year since it's our first year living here and we are finding things that are a little higher on the priority list but I'm having tons of fun looking! I am very much a planner so I am enjoying deciding the future site and design of Shortyjohnson Farm's Poultry Palace.