About half way through I decided to stop and take advantage of the daylight with some pictures.
Emma still has her bouts with the cats but overall, everyone is adjusting fairly well living under one roof. I still can't wait until spring and I do think I noticed that it was light a little later today~that brought a smile to my face! The countdown is on! I believe it's March 20?
BRING IT ON! Emma, (pictured above) is my a.d.d. child. One minutes I am pulling my hair out and the next I am rolling with laughter. Actually, I often find myself trying to styfle a laugh while scolding her. I love her to pieces. If you read the GWP breed description you will see the reference to "clown" at least once if not twice. The only time this dog is still is when she is laying in your lap because she is truly the most affectionate dog or staring at the cats (or whatever else she is "hunting")It is all she can do to sit still long enough for you to snap off one picture then she's off. Usually she is dragging others in with her to play.
Below is the gag reel to todays photo~op.
He's built more for power than grace and speed!
We had a great time playing today and we got our report done. 1300 words! I even learned a few things! All told, it really was a great day!