I have to start out with saying "How great is my man?!" Well, pretty great really. He is one of the handiest people I have ever met, tries his hardest to cater to my whims and quirks and does quite well at it.
My latest is stall cleaning. I would love to not stall our horses and most of the time I think the horses would perfer to not be stalled. However, we live on a hill and it seems the wind is always blowing here. Lovely in the summer, not so much in the winter. There is not one place that the wind does not blow up/down/over/under/around and into. If there is an opening there will be snow. Because of this, we stall our horses at least at night most nights between December and March. This means stall cleaning. One of my quirks is that when it comes to cleaning I can't seem to stop at "good enough" I am all or nothing and since it had to be done, spent hours everynight in the cold cold barn. Poor Dan would have 3 stalls done to my one (but mine was cleaner!;)) By the end of last winter my love for horses was ebbing away....thank god for summer. This winter I have opted for "nothing" and tasked Dan with barn duty to which he has graciously taken on. It took a lot for me to get over the guilt. After all, he never signed on for them. It has worked out well though....he also got tired of the duty and created something to help out! So much less work in half the time and a job I couldn't have done better myself!! It may not be pretty to those of you reading but it is the most beautiful contraption I have ever known! He has assured me it is but a prototype but nothing will take it's place in my heart.
This lovely piece of machinery (if items constructed of wood count as machinery) left me plenty of time to enjoy the other aspects of pet ownership. It was a good day!
Luvin from Taz!
I absolutely love my new hat!!
Emma burned off some pent up energy....not all of it though- never all of it.
Fozzy did some "hunting"
and then came for some luvin. :)