However, I felt compelled to post some new pics of the "ladies" (and gentlemen) for Thelma...or is it Louise, (I never know which is which)as well as a few others that prove I am very easily amused.
My lovely little flock as really filled out over the summer months. They've been given free range of the farm yard for the past couple of weeks and I still love wathcing them do....what chickens do. No eggs as of yet, but I knew going in that I didn't purchase a great egg laying breed.
Chipndale in all his glory now living up to an alternate reference of his name. He has matured much quicker than the rest of the chickens and is trying with all his little rooster might to be the ladies man! (whether they like it or not) However, being extremely high strung, very noisey and somewhat aggresive, he will probably not be a long standing member around here.
Blue Cochin Rooster- still looking very similar to the hens but as I mentioned, late bloomers. Still pretty though.
White Chochin Hen
Silver Lace Cochin Rooster- Can't wait to see what he looks like all grown up!
Black Cochin Hen my bravest and most laid back. (Dare I say favorite?!)