Since Mother Nature decided to be gracious this weekend and kindly grant us lovely weather Dan and I decided we would take full advantage and do some much needed cleaning of the treeline. Yes, I know some of you may be saying "but what about the natural habitat?" and to that my reply is.....we live within a couple of miles of a large county park- the critters can go there! (plus there are still several fence lines in the area) OR they can go hide in the barn. It currently has very easy access!
We decided that it was better to clean it out and let new bushes grow in and rid the area of the years of knocked down, broken and dead shrubs and tree tops. I was suprised how much dry, dead, brittle wood was crammed into that small area. It was actually more of a kindling line than a tree line. Not to mention Mulberry trees, HELLO!!! Why is it they grow everywhere you don't want trees and no where you do? We did leave several large ones so there is my contribution to the wildlife. There will still me many berries for the wildlife.
We were able to clean out half of it. Just enough to really let you appreciate a good days work and make the remaining untouched half look ten times worse!
The biggest battle was disposing of the waste. Burning is not often an option here due to being located on very high ground and having a constant "breeze".
We were able to burn a small portion and hopefully finish the remaining already cut a piled messes within the week. Then we can start on the second half!
Dan's biggest toy really made quick work of hauling the brush! Nice not to have to haul it by hand but it left big tractor tire dents all over. Oh well, I'll worry about those another day.

this is how you make a really big fire! It was orginally SO big I was to busy watching for the surrounding Cedars to burst into flames to take a picture!!

Whos got the marshmellows??