Spring has finally hit our little mini farm! As we were out splitting wood (cleaning up a huge pile of cut wood that came with the house) I noticed that the trees were blooming! I so often get caught up with the fast pace of life and end up missing the simple yet extrodinary wonders the surround but not this weekend!! The buds were so beautiful that I just had to stop what I was doing and grab my camera.
We are hoping to put a new roof on the house and add a dormer or two and turn the attic into a bedroom but to do that, we need to clean up the wood pile. It's a crazy six degrees of seperation thing that I won't go into but there you have it. If I clean the wood up then complete several other things I will end up with a new bedroom and maybe, just maybe an upstairs bath.
We also spent some time today getting ready for our new arrivals due May 4th! Dan has been diligently reading books and taking notes. We have the first "brooder house" ready. 37 little fuzzy peeps!! You know I'll be taking pictures like a crazy woman when they get here!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Weekend
Heres hoping everyone had a Happy Easter!!
Since Mother Nature decided to be gracious this weekend and kindly grant us lovely weather Dan and I decided we would take full advantage and do some much needed cleaning of the treeline. Yes, I know some of you may be saying "but what about the natural habitat?" and to that my reply is.....we live within a couple of miles of a large county park- the critters can go there! (plus there are still several fence lines in the area) OR they can go hide in the barn. It currently has very easy access!
We decided that it was better to clean it out and let new bushes grow in and rid the area of the years of knocked down, broken and dead shrubs and tree tops. I was suprised how much dry, dead, brittle wood was crammed into that small area. It was actually more of a kindling line than a tree line. Not to mention Mulberry trees, HELLO!!! Why is it they grow everywhere you don't want trees and no where you do? We did leave several large ones so there is my contribution to the wildlife. There will still me many berries for the wildlife.
We were able to clean out half of it. Just enough to really let you appreciate a good days work and make the remaining untouched half look ten times worse!
The biggest battle was disposing of the waste. Burning is not often an option here due to being located on very high ground and having a constant "breeze".
We were able to burn a small portion and hopefully finish the remaining already cut a piled messes within the week. Then we can start on the second half!
Dan's biggest toy really made quick work of hauling the brush! Nice not to have to haul it by hand but it left big tractor tire dents all over. Oh well, I'll worry about those another day.

this is how you make a really big fire! It was orginally SO big I was to busy watching for the surrounding Cedars to burst into flames to take a picture!!

Whos got the marshmellows??
Since Mother Nature decided to be gracious this weekend and kindly grant us lovely weather Dan and I decided we would take full advantage and do some much needed cleaning of the treeline. Yes, I know some of you may be saying "but what about the natural habitat?" and to that my reply is.....we live within a couple of miles of a large county park- the critters can go there! (plus there are still several fence lines in the area) OR they can go hide in the barn. It currently has very easy access!
We decided that it was better to clean it out and let new bushes grow in and rid the area of the years of knocked down, broken and dead shrubs and tree tops. I was suprised how much dry, dead, brittle wood was crammed into that small area. It was actually more of a kindling line than a tree line. Not to mention Mulberry trees, HELLO!!! Why is it they grow everywhere you don't want trees and no where you do? We did leave several large ones so there is my contribution to the wildlife. There will still me many berries for the wildlife.
We were able to clean out half of it. Just enough to really let you appreciate a good days work and make the remaining untouched half look ten times worse!
The biggest battle was disposing of the waste. Burning is not often an option here due to being located on very high ground and having a constant "breeze".
We were able to burn a small portion and hopefully finish the remaining already cut a piled messes within the week. Then we can start on the second half!
Dan's biggest toy really made quick work of hauling the brush! Nice not to have to haul it by hand but it left big tractor tire dents all over. Oh well, I'll worry about those another day.

this is how you make a really big fire! It was orginally SO big I was to busy watching for the surrounding Cedars to burst into flames to take a picture!!

Whos got the marshmellows??

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Gentle Hands
It amazes me how these grubby, cracked, often dirty, battered and abused manual labor hands can also be so gentle and tender. It also makes me giggle when I see the "mighty hunter/woodsman extraordinaire" sitting on the floor in the spare room, bottle in hand quietly talking in the most soothing tone to his little orphan bunny that has become very attached to his adoptive mother. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes.

Sunday, April 5, 2009
It's really spring right?!
Mother Nature and I are not on speaking terms right now. Yet another day avoiding the outside. I swore I would not blog today altough I am oh so tired of cleaning, sorting papers, laundry, paying bills and surfing the same stuff on the web. I swore I wouldn't blog because I really had nothing to share and vowed I would not blog about the weather again. I swore......and then....
I saw a flock of robins in the yard. Hanging around in one of the few spots that didn't have snow, snitching scraps of cracked corn left by the turkeys. (my only form of bird feeder) better than nothing right?!
However, for the past 30 minutes I have been listening to a light tapping on my front window to which after the first few minutes I had to go see what it was.

Apparently this Robin is unhappy with the spring weather we are having as well and wants to come in the house with everyone else! He wasn't hitting the window hard, merely fluttering at it with his Robin sized determination to gain access. Had he known waiting for him inside were the dogs eagerly anticipating his success I'm sure he would have been quite content finding a nice perch in our completely bird accessable barn.

And yes, I realize the pictures are not of the best quality however, you need to keep in mind that I was trying to snap it quickly all while holding back to two bird dogs trying to go through my window to get it!! Not an easy feat!
So I caved I blogged once again about a weather related topic.
And in my boredom I shopped online. But unlike the typical woman, I didn't shop for shoes, clothing or even housewares, bedding or new decor (although all of those items would have been more practical) No indeed, I ordered my baby chicks which are to arrive the first week of May!! Wahoo! Now I'm somewhat glad Dan is laid off for a while, after all he has a chicken coop to build now! LOL!
I was very discriminating in my choices. I didn't settle for just any ole run of the mill chicken, no no no, my chicken of choice is Cochin. They are big and poofy with feathers all the way down the legs. I ordered 2 girls in all six beautiful colors for total of 12 egg layers! I am so excited for summer!
I saw a flock of robins in the yard. Hanging around in one of the few spots that didn't have snow, snitching scraps of cracked corn left by the turkeys. (my only form of bird feeder) better than nothing right?!
However, for the past 30 minutes I have been listening to a light tapping on my front window to which after the first few minutes I had to go see what it was.
Apparently this Robin is unhappy with the spring weather we are having as well and wants to come in the house with everyone else! He wasn't hitting the window hard, merely fluttering at it with his Robin sized determination to gain access. Had he known waiting for him inside were the dogs eagerly anticipating his success I'm sure he would have been quite content finding a nice perch in our completely bird accessable barn.
And yes, I realize the pictures are not of the best quality however, you need to keep in mind that I was trying to snap it quickly all while holding back to two bird dogs trying to go through my window to get it!! Not an easy feat!
So I caved I blogged once again about a weather related topic.
And in my boredom I shopped online. But unlike the typical woman, I didn't shop for shoes, clothing or even housewares, bedding or new decor (although all of those items would have been more practical) No indeed, I ordered my baby chicks which are to arrive the first week of May!! Wahoo! Now I'm somewhat glad Dan is laid off for a while, after all he has a chicken coop to build now! LOL!
I was very discriminating in my choices. I didn't settle for just any ole run of the mill chicken, no no no, my chicken of choice is Cochin. They are big and poofy with feathers all the way down the legs. I ordered 2 girls in all six beautiful colors for total of 12 egg layers! I am so excited for summer!
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