I was asked to update the stop sign with all the warm weather we have been having and so here it is. Doesn't it look tall?!

As I talked previously, I did start quilting and I've really been enjoying it. This actually started out to be an inexpensive hobby making dog blankets out of old jeans and sweatshirts but has really grown from there!
I am posting some of the squares I have completed. Now, keep in mind I don't sew and I obviously do not sew well but I love to try. I am a very impatient person that bores easily when it comes to hobbies and projects. I started out without an iron but I couldn't wait so I just started cutting squares and sewing them together and I really had no pattern in mind....this is what I started with...
Then I decided to try to make a pattern......
Then another....
Then I decided I would just try each of the several patterns in the book and worry about connecting them all later....
The funny thing is that I am actually seeing more as I go.....more of how the colors make up patterns within the patterns if you are really careful with how you line things up.....So I actually see where I could have improved on some of the squares I've done not only in making sure things line up better but also in paying more attention in how the colors line up.
I really think I may be working on more than one at a time.