I found I had nothing to say on my blog but would rush out to see what was new on facebook. What was everyone up to? Don't get me wrong, I love that I have been able to reconnect with some very dear friends that I did lose touch with however, I am swaying away, being more "selective" with time I spend out there. I don't care to partake in the extra things such as the beads, sweets, pass a drink etc. Connect, chat, catch up and share photo's...can't that be enough? So now that I am "restricting" my time I can come back to blogging which is much more enjoyable.
I was correct in that we no longer have snow and now have plenty of mud!! It is definately spring by the signs of Edd and Eddy stepping up to take Ed's place now that he is now longer with us. We will eventually have many little turklings (I don't know what you call baby turkeys) running around. They have been fun to watch.
what else is new?....
snow to mud...blonde to auburn......I thought I'd see what life was like for a redhead! Going well.... Oh! EXCITING!! I got my port out last Thursday! What a big day that was! If I'd have known it was so pretty I would've had them leave it on the outside!
For those of you reading this that do not know me -can't imagine there would be anyone in that catagory- I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in November 2006. I just hasd all my 6 month checks and so far so good- I am still clear so I decided it was time to go that next step!!
The surgeon that I had was the best!! He is somewhat like Ron White only sober (I hope) Cracks me up!!! He assisted in my exploratory surgery, put my port in and then took it out. Of course I was out for the first two procedures but that last one made up for it!
Well sadly, that brings everything up to date. No quilting at the moment as I have been working a lot and then trying to help my mom get back into her flood damaged/repaired house.
Can't wait till May! I am ready to kick back and relax! My goal is to keep my posts more up to date. So goodbye for now, but never fear- I will be back! LOL!