Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas???.

Only when it comes to the weather!

You can almost see where the road is!

Even Big Ed's getting tired of it. He and the horses wait for me so patiently in the mornings for breakfast!

I do believe the cats are tired of the cold as well, not because they have to be out in it of course. oh no, no, no! But because the dogs are in the their house and Emma is relentless! I'm even catching myself day dreaming of a nice a condo somewhere warm with a lovely patio garden! hmmmm...tempting.

It's Christmas Eve day and I can't believe its here. I, to my own dismay, have managed to out grinch myself this year! No tree, no decorations, I have not baked one cookie or made one piece of candy and bought nothing fun or frivalas in the way of gifts.

It seems everyone is trying to tighten the purse strings, yet are in need of practical items so cash (or prepaid visa cards) it is. Boring.

This is the time of year when I start wishing the current days away anxious to start anew! Thinking, plotting and planning on how 2009 is going to be the year!
I believe I have taken the first step in making that happen by pursuing a position in a different area at the company I work in. Same comfy place but a change in faces and challanges. It's always good to shake things up.
I have denounced the lemming pledge and will follow it no more!

I am happy to say that there will still be good friends not far away plus some aquaintances that I'm sure to get to know better!
And so, with the wind blowing the snow into drifts all around me, my wish to you is a very warm (even if only in your hearts) healthy, and happy holiday season!