Thursday, September 24, 2009

Smite Me Oh Mighty Smiter!!

Finally enough money to purchase the materials to put the new steel roof on the 140 year old house. A large crew of excellent help and a beautiful weekend. We (everyone not involved in roofing) had a wonderful Saturday. The kids had a good time again. Give them a stick, a big chunk of rope and an atv and watch them go! How creative they can be!

It took all of Saturday to get the 4 layers of asphalt and original layer of wood shakes off the entire house. They say hind sights 20/20. Perhaps we should have done this in sections i.e. part off, part on, part off, etc. and perhaps we should have taken everything out of the attic to keep it clean. Who'd have thought when everything was off you'd be able to look completely through both sides and see blue sky?!

But we didn't. Go for the gusto right?! Rip it all off! After all, putting the big sheets of steel back on should be a piece of cake right?

That was Saturday.....Sunday was a slightly different outlook. I kept a wary eye on the wasps, with visions of them taking up new residence inside our now easily accessable house or possibly the slightly larger winged creatures of the night.

Sunday morning, all was good-except the dirt that fell into the portion of the attic where all my extra's are stored.

Sunday afternoon it was all to obvious that only a small portion of the roof would be completed before days end. Oh well, glass half full, I have a really good vacuum cleaner to suck up 140 years of dust, dirt and grime and Tarps were at the ready.

Monday morning, while the internet guy was reinstalling the dish dismounted from the now scantilly tarp clad roof, I thought I would begin my vacuuming.
Then it started to rain...I was thinking how nice to hear on the tarps, soothing, like camping but as it came down harder, I realized it was now raining inside! I was no where near done cleaning all the collective crap and now was watching as water poured down from the heavens, through the tarps, soaking boxes, turning the dust, dirt and grime to mud and muck and it was coming in hard!! Panic stricken, I scrambled for buckets to catch the water when I very quickly discovered they were no where near big enough to catch the incoming flow! So, mud and sweat from head to toe, in the midst of anger and dispare, tears and swearing, I managed to shove everything over enough, dumped stored clothing from rubber maid tubs into garbage bags, (more laundry to do later) placed the tubs under the leaks (leak is such an understatement) took an extra anti-anxiety pill, shut the door and went downstairs. That was Monday, it's now Thursday and I've not been back up.

Well, after re-tarping the 3rd night in a row, I think it's holding. More rain forecasted for the weekend. Bring it on.

More from the "Big Top" later......

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I've decided to break my post up seeing how this is my 3rd attempt at posting. Living beyond the reach of high speed, and even though I sacrified satallite T.V. for the expense of having satallite internet vs dial up, connection can still be quite slow and I've found that too slow might as well be none. But, I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Partridge Cochin Hen.

Embracing his inner lion! Aren't zebras supposed to have stripes?!

Timeless rambelings

Here we are half way through September, the leaves are turning, falling, and Halloween is just around the corner. Obviously blogging has ranked low in my all to often scewed list of priorities and yet, with all the time that has passed since my last post I feel I have nothing new to share except my new found appreciation for all times when I was young, hearing the common phrase udders freaquently (from those who at that time seemed old!) "where has the time gone?!"
However, I felt compelled to post some new pics of the "ladies" (and gentlemen) for Thelma...or is it Louise, (I never know which is which)as well as a few others that prove I am very easily amused.
My lovely little flock as really filled out over the summer months. They've been given free range of the farm yard for the past couple of weeks and I still love wathcing them do....what chickens do. No eggs as of yet, but I knew going in that I didn't purchase a great egg laying breed.

Chipndale in all his glory now living up to an alternate reference of his name. He has matured much quicker than the rest of the chickens and is trying with all his little rooster might to be the ladies man! (whether they like it or not) However, being extremely high strung, very noisey and somewhat aggresive, he will probably not be a long standing member around here.

Blue Cochin Rooster- still looking very similar to the hens but as I mentioned, late bloomers. Still pretty though.

White Chochin Hen
Silver Lace Cochin Rooster- Can't wait to see what he looks like all grown up!

Black Cochin Hen my bravest and most laid back. (Dare I say favorite?!)

Buff Cochin Hen.